5 Ways to reduce landfill & your environmental footprint

1. Shop local and request packaged free goods: This limits the amount of plastic and non-recyclable items being thrown into landfill.

2. Limit wastage by composting: Having a small compost bin and using this in your garden reduces the need for chemical fertilizers.

3. Buy mindfully when clothes shopping: Keep a capsule wardrobe and buy items that match and can be worn with all other items in your wardrobe, limiting the need for excess clothing. Also, try to buy quality items that last longer.

4. Utilise technology to its full capacity: If you have a phone, tablet, or laptop, try to use online apps or programs to record data, journal, calendar activities, and for reading books, this will reduce the need for excess notebooks, pens, paper, plastics, and hard copy books.

5. Try minimalism: Having lots of clutter in the home creates clutter in the mind. Living more minimal will reduce landfill over time and ensure less of your time is spent dusting and cleaning and more of your time is spent doing things that make you happy.