Recycle & Reuse This Christmas

Are you looking for ways to enjoy the festive season and continue to be environmentally friendly? We have put together 4 great ideas to help you out this Christmas.

1. Make your own Christmas bonbons with a toilet roll cardboard centre, some hand-painted paper, or children’s drawings as wrapping. And for the gift, pop in some of your favourite recipes, some great dad jokes, or even some home-made treats. Put a Windella Farm spin on it by adding a lip balm or a piece of soap cut in half (check out our recent reel for how-to!)

2. Use recycled gift wrapping from previous years to wrap gifts. You can also use newspapers, fabric or even some of the children’s drawings. Grandma & Grandad are going to love getting gifts wrapped in beautiful art.

3. Try giving handmade gifts. Anything from a beautiful, recycled tin with your most famous and favourite recipes, to some lovely cuttings from your garden in a up-cycled planter. It is a great feeling to give a gift that has thought, sentiment and is filled with love.

4. Shop local, with eco-friendly brands. Ensure when Christmas shopping you are buying gifts that are good for the environment. Steer clear of all the plastic and single-use toys and bits and bobs that get added to landfill each year & opt for practical gifts, experiences, op shop finds or craft supplies that have multiple uses.