Self Care Is Not Only Skincare

We know that having a great skincare routine will help your skin look and feel smooth, subtle, and refreshed. But did you know that introducing other self-care routines can also help you feel refreshed, happier, more relaxed, and have your skin glowing?

Try some of these simple and easy selfcare ideas today.

Take a walk – a nice brisk walk before you start your day can clear your mind and get you ready to tackle the day.

Write it down – journaling is a great way to clear the mind of the clutter that accumulates from each day. Writing your thoughts and ideas down releases it from your mind and can help to destress.

Turn off devices – set a time to turn off social media. Turning the phone off and spending time offline can help you focus on the current moment.

Try yoga or meditation – practicing a discipline will help to slow the mind and create awareness of your thoughts and body; slowing your breathing and focusing on the discipline will bring relief from overthinking, stress, and the busy mind.