Real life: How our shampoo bars relieved a red, itchy & inflamed scalp

Imagine going through life with relatively few skin concerns, only to reach your late 40's and be faced with an immense burning sensation along your hair line & insane itchiness, redness & inflamation all over your scalp. That's what Chloe* (name changed for privacy) found herself experiencing earlier this year. When traditional medical treatments failed to provide relief, Chloe turned to a brand she had known & trusted for years, & finally found the solution to her discomfort with Windella Farm shampoo bars. 

I asked Chloe to share her experience with me in the hope that it might help others with similar issues. Chloe explained that her symptoms started mid-July with 'a burning sensation along the line where my hair parts' combined with redness & inflammation. Chloe initially put her symptoms down to sunburn however her scalp then became insanely itchy all over the top of her head, with even her face feeling irritated. Her thoughts then turned to head lice, but a friend gave her the once over & she was declared lice free. 

When asked how her symptoms affected her day to day life, Chloe said 'I was scratching my scalp constantly. CONSTANTLY! I couldn't focus on anything because the itchiness was always there, distracting me'. So intense was the discomfort that Chloe was embarrassed, emotional & inspecting her scalp several times a day, trying to determine the cause. 

After about a week Chloe consulted with her doctor, who declared that her scalp was dry & raw looking & recommended antihistamines, medicated shampoo & a steroid ointment for her scalp. By this point, even Chloe's face was unbearably hot & itchy. 

Chloe persevered with the doctor's recommendation for about two weeks. She said that while her scalp was slightly improved, she was still uncomfortable & itchy. The treatment had left her hair lank, oily & rope-like. 

At a loss & desperate for some relief, Chloe decided try a sample of the Windella Farm Peppermint & Bergamot shampoo bar that she had been gifted. 'Immediately after washing my hair I felt some relief'. But she persevered with the GP recommended treatment a little longer. Eventually, Chloe's despair led her to stop the medicated shampoo & steroid ointment. 'I felt like I had nothing to lose. I gave my hair a REALLY good wash with the (Windella Farm) bar. Really lathered it up well, scrubbed my entire head, temples & ears'. Chloe shared that when she got out of the shower & dried off 'I felt immediate relief. My face wasn't itching for the first time in weeks!'

Chloe decided to persist with the Windella Farm shampoo bars, washing her hair every night for a couple of weeks. 'It got better every day. Within maybe four to five weeks I was back to normal! I now wash my hair with the shampoo bar every two or three days & I've not had one episode of itchiness since then'

I asked Chloe if the doctor had any suggested cause for her symptoms. He initially mentioned dandruff, but this didn't ring true for Chloe who's hair was never flaky. However, the timing coincides with some minor peri-menopause symptoms that she has been experiencing. It's well documented that 'peri' can bring about many changes in women's bodies, with falling oestrogen often leading to dry, itchy & inflamed skin. During this period it becomes even more important to evaluate the ingredients in hair & skincare products, many of which can become irritating to maturing skin. That's where Windella Farm can really help; our products are full of nourishing, plant-based butters of oils. They are specifically formulated for sensitive skin & are free from artificial fragrance, alcohol, parabens, silicones & preservatives.

I wrapped up my chat with Chloe by asking if she would recommend Windella Farm shampoo bars to others? 'I certainly would. It has bought me so much relief. At one point I could have just about cried at how uncomfortable I was, but now I never get an itchy scalp. My hair looks wonderful too; super shiny & healthy looking'. Chloe kindly shared a photo of her beautiful hair & happy, smiling face but we'll keep that to ourselves to protect her privacy. 

If you are experiencing irritated, dry or inflamed skin, reach out for a chat & let's see if Windella Farm products can help you too.